• Spring 2021 - Spring 2022: Student Researcher, Duke Statistical Science Department (Supervised by Prof. Jason Xu):
    Developed a more generalized formulation of the power k-means clustering algorithm. Our ICML paper is here, and the code is here.

  • Fall 2018 - Spring 2020: Student Researcher, Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratory (Supervised by Prof. Maciej Mazurowski):
    Designed general adversarial networks to normalize breast MRIs produced by different types of MRI scanners. The paper detailing our work can be found here.

  • Summer 2017 - Summer 2018: Computational Pathology Intern at Harvard Medical School (Supervised by Prof. Jan Heng):
    Engineered a deep learning pipeline to quantitatively analyze digital biopsy images of benign breast disease patients. The papers resulting from this project can be found here, here and here. The code is here.